Elly + Brett | Wedding Featurette (Highlight Video)
Elly & Brett had a wonderful wedding! The day was a great fall day, the bridal party was fun and the day went perfectly.
Elly & Brett had a wonderful wedding! The day was a great fall day, the bridal party was fun and the day went perfectly.
Shawn and Nina had a pretty and emotional wedding at the International Market Square in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Elly & Brett had a wonderful wedding! The day was a great fall day, the bridal party was fun and the day went perfectly.
It was great to be part of another great wedding! Jill and Ben’s wedding was terrific! The ceremony was outside at the beautiful Bearpath Country Club in Eden Prairie.http://bearpathgolf.com/ The Photography was done by the talented Bjorn Meisner.http://bjornmeisner.com/
It was a thrill to be part of Laura and Todd’s wedding on May 13, 2011. Laura and Todd had a beautiful ceremony and reception at Our Lady of Lourdes in Minneapolis and the Landmark Center in St. Paul, MN.